Tour of the Markets-Red Wing Area Farmers Market, Red Wing, MN

Taking a beautiful drive along the river to Red Wing, MN, this day was filled with so much more than the produce market I was expecting. The rich history really came through in the location and attractions surrounding the market, and made for an all-around enjoyable day on many levels!

Starting my walk down to the market, I passed the fountain and sculpture garden in front of the Red Wing Shoe main building. I had not even made it a block out of my car and I already wanted to curl up with a coffee and good book and start my day out here! If you have time to spend on your trip over here, I would highly suggest taking a few minutes longer to soak in the sculpture art tour around downtown.

The fascinating part of this location is just how much of this city is represented in a two or three block radius. Lining the great Mississippi River, separating Wisconsin and Minnesota, there were gorgeous views of the marinas across the river leading up to the bridge, winding its way passed the looming Barn Bluff. And not to be outdone, the amount of train industry represented had an almost historical feel, reminding me just how much this method is a core of our country.

Entering the market, I was greeted with craft vendors and handmade goods. Delicious offerings from their own gardens, paintings, woodworking, etc. were all present.

A farmers market is just not complete without a chance at farm fresh eggs. As many of my recipes will state, I’m a firm believer in a quality egg whenever possible. Anyone that says you can’t tell the difference or it doesn’t matter has never had a great farm egg, in my opinion!

This was a real treat for me! I spent some time talking with the owner of the farm from River Falls that harvests and makes black garlic. The process seemed almost like a jellying strategy, and as we chatted she offered me samples of the bulbs and shared cooking ideas. While a little hesitant to eat garlic straight, in the name of research, I tried some. Wow. If you’ve never had black garlic, this is a treat! I’m not sure of the best description, but if I could jelly a savory jam, that might be close. Delicious!

Not only were there gorgeous flowers around, but there were also many plants ready for transplant. This was a nice addition to the typical bouquets.

Continuing on through the park, I was greeted with wonderful local music!

And not to be outdone, what better way to enjoy a farmers market then listening to great music and enjoying it with a fresh squeezed lemonade.

Beautiful stitch work was apparent throughout this booth, showcasing many colors and patterns in a number of different articles and techniques.

As I moved forward, the produce stands started to unfold, showcases baskets and baskets of local offerings.

Because this is the ‘area’ farmers market, many of these vendors traveled over an hour to bring their goods, and it was often the case to see a large truck full of crates behind a smaller table, as opposed to some of the larger markets where all is laid out.

It was apparent that the seasons were starting to change as the produce is gravitating from the initial greens to the deeper root vegetables.

As I came to the end of the trail, I heard a familiar voice say my name. Nothing ends a great morning strolling through a beautiful market than running into friends you haven’t seen in years. Enhancing my passion and interest in agriculture and supporting local, I was fortunate to spend time in Guatemala with these two many years ago on a Farmer to Farmer exchange, learning about the political, economical, and cultural impact of certain industries and production, mainly coffee and textiles. Very interesting trip, but even more so, Oxheart Farms has embraced this experience and created their own farming operation, here to offer fresh smoothies from their dairy and harvest. An ABSOLUTE must if you are in the area (Hager City, WI) or see them around. Great people, great mission, and a really great smoothie!

Not to be left out, there were activities set out for all ages. Bouncing to the beat of the music was the wonderful entertainment of laugher as kids usually were showing parents or grandparents the tricks of this mystical childhood toy.

The market concluded at the train station, further showcasing the historical feel to this downtown area, and the heartbeat of the community.

Thank you Red Wing for a wonderful morning and not only sharing your produce with me but a taste of your culture!

Without surprise, there was no way I was leaving this market without black garlic. Having no idea how to cook with this or what to try made it even more intriguing. A challenge within the challenge was finding recipes that highlighted its unique flavor, instead of masking it within the dish. In all of the dishes I tried, my biggest take away was timing. With traditional garlic, typically I use that as a base to build any flavor. Since this has been cooked, add it towards the end as a finishing flavor instead.
Roasted Chicken with Black Garlic Mushroom Sauce

The beet was my next choice for a few reasons. I’ve eaten beets many times, typically in a tossed salad or a simple sautéed side, but never as a focal dish. With its earthy flavor, I thought this would pave the way for a lot of creativity, playing with contrasting flavors. The dark color made some of the presentation not as aesthetical appealing, but the flavors turned out great! (Bonus recipe-I made a fantastic beet and gouda alfredo, but the photo looked a little less blog worthy than the flavor. But if you’re up for the adventure-roasted garlic in a cream sauce, and slowly stir in fresh rosemary, gouda and pureed beets. The sauce will be a dark pink and the depth of the beet gives enough flavor to make this deliciously unique without overpowering. I served it over zucchini noodles and a little more shredded gouda. Yummm!)
Sautéed Beets with a Raspberry Balsamic Reduction
Beet, Blueberry and Basil Sauce over Smoked Salmon and Goat Cheese

This entire experience was a wonderfully unexpected mecca of artists, culture, history, and great produce! I loved the variety and everyone was so welcoming and excited to tell you about their offerings and operation. Also, the fact that this market brought such a wide geographical range of venders was nice when discussing regional stories and getting to know each other. Don’t forget to end your journey with a stroll on the river walkway!!
I post recipes often on the website, and update those posts on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest if you would like to receive updates as they are uploaded! I love hearing from you and inviting others to join along-please feel free to comment and share!
Thanks again for tagging along on this journey!
Hannah (your fearless culinary visionnaire)