Roasted Garlic and Rosemary Olive Oil

The perfect Sunday afternoon is spent slow cooking garlic and oil for the week ahead! This oil is great on just about anything you’d use plain oil for, and the cloves dress up everything from pasta to soups!
Golden Candy! Seriously. One of the best side benefits of this type of garlic is that roasting tames the strong garlic flavor, so you will not have to hide in an isolated room after eating 5 cloves! Tested and proven correct, I started popping these in my mouth the minute they came out of the oven! In many of my recipes you may have seen roasted garlic used. I recommend making these ahead of time, whether it be in this fashion or wrapped in tin foil with just a little oil, as it greatly reduces prep time on future recipes. The added benefit here is the ease of access to the cloves, since they are already peeled, and the flavored oil to use!
The sky is endless! Garlic is so versatile that it can be used to dress up virtually anything you cook! Some of my favorite ways to use the cloves and oil are in bases-sauces and soups in particular tend to absorb that roasted flavor and spread throughout the whole dish. Without heat, I love mashing a few of these into a marinade (stay tuned for a great asparagus recipe coming soon!), or loosely chopped over a basic salad-as I type this, I am eating a spinach salad with kalamata olives, tomato, cucumber, avocado and feta that I topped with a few of the cloves and oil. If you are not feeling very creative, grab a loaf of warm, crunchy bread, slather these cloves on, and top with a thick slice of fresh tomato, cheese and oil drizzle! Your charcuterie board has never looked so good! 🙂
To pick a few recipes that I would use garlic in would end in a very long list of my entire website….so I’ll try my best to narrow down to a few that I would specifically use these cloves and/or oil with to enhance the dish!
Caramelized Mixed Onion Crepe with Roasted Garlic and Thyme
Eggs under Aged Cheddar and Garlic Cream Sauce
Kale, Turnip and Sausage Soup with Roasted Garlic and Herbs
Roasted Cauliflower and Garlic Ramp Soup
Creamy Zucchini and Kale Soup with Roasted Garlic
Heirloom Tomatoes with Roasted Garlic and Herbed Whipped Ricotta
Feta and Kalamata Olive Bruschetta
Roasted Chicken with Black Garlic Mushroom Sauce
Don’t miss out on any new recipes! Head over and Like and Follow Goddess of Garlic on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest to receive updates as they are published!
Enjoy and let me know how you use your roasted garlic!!!

Roasted Garlic and Rosemary Olive Oil
- Baking Pan
- 2-3 heads Garlic
- 3 sprigs Fresh Rosemary
- 3/4-1 cup Olive Oil
- Preheat the oven to 250.
- While the oven is warming up, peel your garlic cloves and lay on the bottom of the pan. Quantities here can vary based on how much you'd like to make.
- Cover the cloves with olive oil and place in the oven for about an hour and a half, or until the cloves are turning golden.
- Remove from the oven and add rosemary. Allow to cool before handling.
- Transfer to a refrigerator safe container with a lid and store for up to 2 weeks. This is a great addition to any meal! Use drizzled over meats, veggies, appetizers or salads! Mash a clove into a sauce or dressing for a stronger flavor! Enjoy!